Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Do You Think Of Vitas In California

structural economic crisis?

"La crisi finanziaria ed economica va avanti inesorabile mentre nelle ultime settimane si sono succeduti numerosi vertici internazionali, some unprecedented, others passed over in silence and others just started. At the emergency center always financial, but also the environmental and development of poor countries. All pending settlement of the first U.S. presidential run by an African-American.

In this context, several were quick to declare dead liberalism, to cheer the imminent return of the state economy, even talking about the structural crisis of capitalism. Given the results of recent international summits in Washington and Doha, respectively, the G20 finance global heads of state and government convened by Bush and the UN conference on financing for development, perhaps the expectations for a systemic change towards greater Justice sociale e un futuro sostenibile per tutto il pianeta vanno ridimensionate. Si potrebbe dire che ancora una volta il capitalismo si sta trasformando, gettando le basi per nuove forme di accumulazione, che molto difficilmente serviranno ad affrontare e risolvere le cause strutturali delle crisi finanziaria, energetica, climatica ed alimentare che il pianeta sta vivendo. Il negoziato che si gioca su più tavoli per rispondere a tutte queste crisi è unico e riguarda il grande gioco della redistribuzione del potere globale.

Certo, ci saranno delle differenze rispetto a prima, perché il contesto geopolitico ed economico mondiale è mutato; ma le politiche che i paesi che contano porteranno avanti non muteranno poi tanto. La stessa finanziarizzazione economy as a response to the problem of overproduction worldwide will resume after a break in another form, circumventing the new rules and timid that the government decreed.

Going in order, we can say that the inevitable downsizing of the U.S. super-power for the benefit of the Asian front, the slow decline of Europe and the rest of the continuing tragedy of impoverished countries, are already paving the way for a new division of the pie between the two shores of the Pacific, will relaunch an international agenda that hardly democratic, progressive and truly multilateral. Despite a strengthening of regional blocs, dominated by their powers - as happens in the EU - global governance hardly see the emergence of new global institutions and equitable distribution of power. More than a new Bretton Woods will probably be an economic Yalta, that little touch some axioms liberal ideology at the expense of most of the world population and the environment. The term New Deal, roosveltiana of memory, is perhaps more a hope than a reality.

governments intervene in the economy, yes, but with a spirit of neo-mercantilist and corporate welfare on the Russian model. A house will be free to do more, but global markets continue undisturbed in many cases. Very different from that in the public policy reasons and not the usual suspects. Then the dream scenario of a Green New Deal is likely to submit to the usual logic of speculative market, as might happen in the context of ongoing UN climate negotiations in Poznan. Probably a climate agreement in 2009 with the emerging countries will be, but it could be downwards, and again only based on market mechanisms.

This desire to compromise liberal agenda, even if a little 'watered down and altered, emerges strongly from the final communiqué of the G20 in Washington and will remain at the center of the next summit on April 2, with Obama and Gordon Brown in London. If we analyze the conflict that marked the negotiations on financing for development chiusisi Tuesday in Doha, it is clear the G20 and maybe wants to be able to marginalize the UN headquarters as deputy to host the negotiations for the reform of international financial and economic. Although there will be a UN summit in 2009 in this regard - as is already working on a UN task force headed by Stiglitz-old crisis and new global powers try to sink the most democratic forums in which the latter countries, which is the largest in the world and could call into question not only the power but also the policies of the fittest. The G20 has decided to give more power to the World Bank and the IMF which, although they will host more voting power to emerging economies, will continue unabated to impose the same politiche liberiste degli ultimi 25 anni.

Senza parlare della Wto, che potrebbe vedere non solo la chiusura dei sofferti negoziati lanciati nel 2001 a Doha, ma anche un suo rilancio come World Economic Organisation fuori del sistema Onu. Insomma, è vero che il G8 è superato e questa è una buona cosa, ma siamo solo all'inizio di una lunga battaglia per ridimensionare l'agenda liberista. Questo scenario, che potrebbe essere messo in discussione solo da conflitti sociali nei paesi ricchi ed emergenti in seguito ad una crisi economica profondissima, pone tante domande a quel movimento alter-mondialista che si sente quasi spiazzato da sviluppi così veloci e di tale portata. Il 2 aprile a Londra avverrà il giro di boa dell'attuale partita, missing a little over three months to gear up and hijack the ship of the new G-liberal. "

Author: Antonio Tricarico