Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Color Goes With White?


They played last night races in the group "A" "G NIGHT TOURNAMENT: ERMOLLI"


3-1 Scorers: 20 'pt Tolazzi (rig), 22' pt T. Not, Piccaro 11 st, 13 'Coss.

Moggese: Xavier Forabosco, Not C., S. Romanin, Linossi (A. Not), creams, Tomasino, Andreozzi, Tolazzi, T. Not, Hammer (Piccaro).

Resia: Barbarino, Coss, Gardellini, mussels, Buttolo , Madotto S., E. Madotto, Nesic, Radolli, Comuzzi, Chinese.

Moggio Udinese
The debut of 'Ermolli sees in front of the Moggese Resia and leave guests with a good loan that is brought before Radolli Saveri moltre times without being able to conclude.
Moggese And to make the game that the 20 'moves ahead with' ex Tolazzi kicking a perfect penalty, spend just over 60 seconds and you see a doubling in Moggese Not.T with after a good phrasing perfectly successful. The Moggese not satisfied with the double advantage and tries again the way of that goal can then Piccaro symbol that the network that terminates at the moment the game until the goal of shortening the distance that Coss.

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2-1 Scorers: 8 'pt Radolli, 17' pt num10 Amaro, 8 'pt Radolli.

Resia: Barbarino, Bellina, Gardellini, mussels, Buttolo , Madotto S., Di Lenardo, Nesic, Radolli, Comuzzi, Bortolotti.

Bitter: nd

Moggio Udinese
After losing to the hosts the Resia successful coup attempt against a positive Amaro. Now the eaglets out of the canine to 8 'go through the loan Radolli on that of the bitter defensive mistake to approach the door and can easily conclude porta.Passano in just over 10' and the Bitter manages to grab a draw with a spectacular away from that bag behind the innocent Barbarino. The Resia not give up and continues to play phrasing in the middle of the field with a positive Nesic, but to bring back the Resia Radolli thinks ahead with a penalty that leaves the audience open-mouthed.

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Scorers: Stoikovic

Moggese: Saver (Hat), Forabosco (Andreozzi), D. Matiz, Canton, C. Not (Monopoly), Faleschini (Marcon), Azzola, Tomasino, Squecco, D. Not, Tolazzi.

Moggio Udinese: The Moggese debuts some young first-team and can not find the right ammalgamare cool to come to a bitter Moggio do well to well done. The
Moggese proves to be in a good shape, but not bitter si arrende davanti ad una squadra di prima categoria battendo la Moggese con una rete di Stoikovic che decide la gara.


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