We met on 2 July, the group that coordinated the campaign against the referendum to amend the electoral law, composed of two committee opposing the referendum and against the election of proportional representation, chaired by Gianni Ferrara and Franco Ragusa. In the discussion was the unanimous expression of satisfaction for the non-quorum of the referendum, which prevents the closure of the two-party political system and an additional lesion of pluralist democracy. No one is at the same time, satisfied with the current electoral law that the majority of the premium and the appointment of parliamentary law is among the worst in the world and history of our country, and therefore also unanimously it was decided groped a common way for an electoral law that guarantees political pluralism, the right of representation of minorities, equality of voting 'incoming' and 'out' without manipulation majority.
Most speakers emphasized the importance of political and cultural struggle for democracy and pluralistic system of proportional representation, which are principals of democracy and constitutional means of combating the 'majoritarian democracy', which results in a 'democracy of investiture' base of modern Cesario. The majoritarian democracy, investing in a 'head' that rises to interpret the 'will of the people', breaks the boundaries of the sphere of decidable and dell'indecidibile, that limits the political will, even the majority, must comply with to safeguard the universal human rights and minority rights.
To set up a possible common route is decided in September to address four questions: 1
. in Italy for decades, living in a state of emergency that requires mobilization of the more general question of democracy, therefore the horizon of the joint work that can not be a Committee for Democracy (Pino quart);
2. having been accepted at the prospect of working on a draft law of popular initiative on the electoral system (Sergio Carara) has decided to appoint Peter Adams to prepare a report on the subject;
3. bipartisanship and bipolar seem to be the only two alternatives, while the failure of the referendum has shown that they are to head towards a guarantor of pluralism (Franco Ragusa);
4. on the cultural theme of constitutional democracy, the immediate repercussions of political struggle against majoritarian democracy, Gianni Ferrara prepare a report, according to a campaign of 'information and training'.
The next meeting - scheduled for September 15, h.17-19.30 - the first two points and will be held in Rome at the hall Libertini, Via del Policlinico 131, Rome
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