Friday, October 30, 2009
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Si ottiene fissando al terreno, con un ferro piegato ad U, un ramo di geranio privato di alcune foglie(figura 1 e 2), lasciandolo attaccato alla pianta e coprendolo leggermente di fine terriccio
laddove tocca il suolo. Dopo circa un mese dai nodi interfogliari interrati spuntano le prime
radici (figura 3) and you can cut the branch from the mother plant (figure 4) and saturated soil in a partly mixed with sand. This method, of course, applicable only to plants planted in the ground or with long flexible branches like the Ivy, has the advantage of rooting branches larger than normal cuttings.
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use of vitamin C
In our experience we have achieved major successes by submersion of cuttings in solution of vitamin C. At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin C powder. To obtain a strong solution mix half teaspoon of powder with the amount of water that may be contained in two egg. Once mixed pour it all in a brown bottle. Use of objects plastic only to mix: the label of an old plant will serve the purpose. If it is not possible to obtain the powder of vitamin C by dissolving an effervescent tablet in a bit 'of water will be more than good. One warning about the dust of vitamin C: it is also used to "cut" cocaine, so do not be surprised if you attract attention suspicious of pharmacists! honestly say that you need to soak your geraniums. Finally not cover with bags of plastic the your cuttings. Make sure the roots are moist, even if the plant needs of fresh air and dry full of light. Good luck. But we warn you: do cuttings gives addiction!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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Today I explain step by step how to make cuttings of geranium or Pelargonium, the best time is spring or autumn.
We clean the work surface, blood vessels and muniamoci a sterile knife.
one parent plant with a clean cut, take the apex of a branch about 10-15 cm long, cut flowers, buds and leaves, so even the bottom
It should leave only 2:00 to 3:00 at the top.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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When the plant will need to repot blooming in a larger container, it is always good practice to choose vessels di due misure più grandi. Per i rinvasi è opportuno aspettare che il terriccio sia asciutto, sarà più facile uscire la pianta dal vaso. L’operazione va ripetuta sempre con lo stesso procedimento, fino ad arrivare alla grandezza definitiva del vaso. Anche nel caso in cui la pianta viene lasciata nello stesso vaso, si dovranno effettuare dei rinvasi periodici. Per questo si toglie la pianta dal vaso, si rompe una parte delle vecchie radici, si rimette la pianta nel suo stesso vaso e poi si versa il nuovo terriccio intorno alle radici. Quindi si passerà all’innaffiatura e si porrà il vaso in zona ombreggiata o tiepida a seconda della stagione. Per i vasi che superano i
If it will take immediate effect will be enough to put different plants of the same variety in the same vessel, the growth will be equal for all and after some time will look like a single large plant.
For example:
3 plants in 9cm pot a pot of 18cm;
3 plants of 12 cm
After a while 'time will withhold as a single plant and repotting will be those of a large plant.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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consists in planting for the first time a little rooted cuttings or small plants raised from the ground in a vase. For the cutting, we recommend a plastic jar of 8 - 9 cm
Sometimes the soils on the market are slightly damp, then in this case we must be careful when pressing, or risk that would compress the soil too compact the tender roots. In this case you should water the next day, however it depends also on the season, at the end of winter the water should be used sparingly in the summer will need to administer a bit 'more generously. We will proceed with a flock apical questa operazione deve essere fatta con un coltellino affilato e pulito o con il pollice ed indice. La pianta va posta in una zona ombreggiata se il periodo è di forte luminosità, in un posto tiepido se il periodo è freddo. Dopo un po’ di tempo, si controllerà la consistenza delle radici, per decidere il rinvaso. Per il controllo si deve attendere che il terriccio sia asciutto e compatto per non rompere la zolla.
Poi si terrà il gambo tra l’indice e il medio e si girerà la pianta con la cima in giù.
Se la pianta non dovesse uscire si darà un leggero colpetto al vaso contro il bordo del tavolo da lavoro, in modo da facilitare l’uscita della zolla. Now you can see the status of the roots, if they are obvious and well run, forming a compact jar, it's time to move to a larger container. If the reservoir will be done in the cold months of the first check will be done after one month if it will be done during the warmer months of the first check will be done after 20 days.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
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E 'preferred grow pelargonium in earthenware pots, terracotta is porous and allows the respiration of roots and facilitates prevention of damage caused by excessive moisture. Certainly the pelargonium can live in plastic pots and in this case you need a little care to avoid puddles. The plastic jar is recommended when the socket of a cutting means finding new roots that will form a smooth surface and do not stick to the vessel, as it would with a pot of crock, and so will be easier to remove the map from small jar to repot into a larger one. If the jars you are not new, make sure they are clean, to prevent any diseases to the new plant.
For good plant growth is another important element in the soil. There are already on the market of composts prepared is essential to check the pH, it should be between 5.5 and 6.5, which is essential is that it is a well-draining soil, preferably if it contains the 15-20and pumice granules. You can also use the earth mixed with coarse river sand or pumice and if we decide to use this type of mixture is necessario innaffiare con un preparato contenente un fungicida e un antibatterico.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
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Interreremo i pelargoni prestando careful to avoid burying too much, the neck of the plant should be left slightly off the ground, watering the plants will lower. If you want to prepare a flower bed with zonal pelargonium in a square meter may be placed about 6 plants.
If you want to put a border set up a zonal 30cm each, for a border of great interest to 30cm but always put them in two rows, so as to form a zig-zag.
macrantha If you opt for the increased distance of 40 cm. The pelargonium
must be cultivated in the ground where it is possible and provided that there are no puddles. If we choose a bed that has a soil with adequate drainage will be necessary to make an excavation of 50-60 cm and unite the land abundant pumice grains, otherwise good river sand after disinfection with a preparation of fungicide and antibacterial. Besides that, we need to put a little 'ripe muck at the bottom of the hole and then cover with soil.
bury the pelargonium careful to avoid burying too much, the neck of the plant should be left slightly off the ground, watering the plants will decrease. If you want to prepare a flower bed with zonal pelargonium in a square meter may be placed about 6 plants.
If you want to put a border set up a zonal 30cm each, for a border of great interest to 30cm but always put them in two rows, so as to form a zig-zag.
If you opt for
macrantha increased the distance to 40 cm.
Monday, October 5, 2009
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Beware of imperial with the Imperials must be careful not to run after the winter pruning or pruning, as it does with other pelargonium to thicken the hair and get more flowers on the contrary, with these pelargonium you risk eliminating the buds ready to bloom only in spring, any cuts can be made in July, in order to stimulate the emergence of lateral shoots.
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Saturday, October 3, 2009
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Good composition is the geraniums to NPK 10-12-18. Nitrogen developed above the foliage, too much nitrogen the plant grows very lush at the expense of flowering: too much nitrogen fertilizer and chemicals, including natural ones, the manure lupins or shine in long supply are therefore not recommended for geraniums, if not late winter to restore vigor to the plants. Phosphorus instead develops roots, flowers and fruits, potassium constantly given guarantees extended blooms.
A good fertilizer, which gives excellent results with almost all of the pelargonium, is the fertilizer for tomatoes, especially when in flower. The liquid fertilizer will reduce watering once every five doses. During the hottest period of summer and the colder it is good to avoid fertilizers. If you use granular fertilizer sprinkled on the soil will prevent the stem of the plant, to prevent burning the same.
E 'Remember that you should not fertilize the plant possessed for the first time, but you must wait at least due settimane.
Bisogna andarci cauti con le concimazioni perchè quando esse sono abbondanti le piante presentano gli stessi sintomi di una pianta poco concimata.
. Le concimazioni dei gerani edera devono essere ben bilanciate e senza eccesso di potassio perché produrrebbe foglie ingiallite o arrossate. Fanno eccezione le piante con foglie variopinte, il potassio dona alle foglie una colorazione vivace.
I gerani imperiali vogliono una concimazione ad alto titolo di potassio per sostenere una fioritura abbondante e lussureggiante. A volte però un titolo di potassio molto alto può indurre una carenza di magnesio che porta un colorito molto chiaro delle foglie.
Per le concimazioni dei gerani a foglia profumata è opportuno adoperare dosi slightly lower to avoid plants that grow too soft or spun. Fertilization high potassium to be administered from the beginning of spring for pelargonium Unique.