Friday, October 30, 2009

How Do You Hack Credits In Poptropica

Talea of \u200b\u200bPelargonium (English method)

use of vitamin C

In our experience we have achieved major successes by submersion of cuttings in solution of vitamin C. At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin C powder. To obtain a strong solution mix half teaspoon of powder with the amount of water that may be contained in two egg. Once mixed pour it all in a brown bottle. Use of objects plastic only to mix: the label of an old plant will serve the purpose. If it is not possible to obtain the powder of vitamin C by dissolving an effervescent tablet in a bit 'of water will be more than good. One warning about the dust of vitamin C: it is also used to "cut" cocaine, so do not be surprised if you attract attention suspicious of pharmacists! honestly say that you need to soak your geraniums. Finally not cover with bags of plastic the your cuttings. Make sure the roots are moist, even if the plant needs of fresh air and dry full of light. Good luck. But we warn you: do cuttings gives addiction!

1) now is the time to cut your geranium. This will stop the growth of the plant height and encourage the development from the bottom makes it look more bushy.

2) taking a shear cut above the node (point of joining of leaf buds). This will allow the plant to heal quickly.

3) to refine the cut exactly to the severed part of below the first node. Remove the lower leaves, buds and clear from all the stipules (which are the fragments from impaired growth).

4) Ready to plant! Dip the cuttings in solution of vitamin C, and then plant them in generic soil moist. Place in hot and sunny position. (For our climate is the recommended position in the shade.)



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