This disease develops in hot, humid and spreads via infected material and water splashes. We observe on the leaves yellowing and browning of triangular shape, with the tip of the triangle facing the inside of the leaf, starting from the edge. These yellowing and browning can be confused with Botrytis Xantomas. Another symptom can be folded down like an umbrella, preferably the latter is observed on older leaves and may be confused with lack of water and a temporary wilting. Yet other symptoms may be small round spots of dark brown because of bacteria transported from leaf to leaf by splashing water or rain. The shaft is in the area close to the neck area dark brown. The Xanthomonas campestris pv. can infect Pelargonium zonal geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum), Imperial geraniums (Pelargonium domesticum), geranium (Geranium sanguineum) ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum). The latter is very susceptible to bacterial disease and develop symptoms similar to a nutritional deficiency or an attack of mites. In the later stages of the disease has the death of the plant. You should remove the infected plants and administer products based on copper at 2-3% a week, avoid sprinkler irrigation.
Below place the photos so they can better recognize the disease.
as I wrote in the article is easy to confuse with Botrytis Xanthomonas
The latter is very susceptible to bacterial disease and develop symptoms similar to a nutritional deficiency or an attack of mites.
Still other symptoms may be small round spots of dark brown because of bacteria transported from leaf to leaf by splashing water or rain.
Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.
Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.
Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.
Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv. Pelargonii)
Xanthomonas hortorum pv.
pelargonii chlorosilanes and necrosis
's a geranium di foglia
ivy infected by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. Pelargonium.
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