Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gerber Security Blanket Bear

The District participates in the project

Get guaranteed high quality products at a fair price and participate in the proposed collective purchases by Weekly, a trade organization based ethics recently born in Tuscany. The organic products such as oil, wine, salami of Cinta Senese, Chianina beef, fresh and processed vegetables, honey, jam, fruit etc.. are all high quality certified and are selected by the farmers together with consumers. In fact, within the organization over the producers, there are non-profit organizations, movements, and corporate CRAL GAS fair trade groups.

Operation is simple: turnout la prima volta e si scelgono i prodotti disponibili come un normale negozio su internet. In alternativa, se non si ha una certa familiarità con internet, si può telefonare ad un numero verde dedicato. Gli acquisti vengono cumulati e raccolti entro la domenica, dal mercoledì successivo vengono preparati i pacchi di ciascuno e consegnati o spediti. In questo modo i prodotti sono sempre freschi e la qualità è sempre garantita dalle visite settimanali nei luoghi di coltivazione e produzione a cura dei consumatori stessi che seguono ogni settimana gli approvvigionamenti.

Un consumatore che acquista per la sua famiglia in maniera collettiva, viene garantito da altri consumatori locali che acquistano lo stesso prodotto controllando la regolare fornitura by producers. To take account of environmental factors and health: is purchased without leaving by car, and then with a clear conscience, you get very good and natural products, integrated in the daily diet, make us feel good.
Our district (DES Siena) participate in the project:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Digital Playground Discount

Siena Meeting of the joint buying groups and farmers

was held Saturday at 12 Lucignano (Ar) A meeting of the initiatives of the MES (Movement for the Economy of Solidarity), which was attended by representatives of GAS (fair trade groups) Areas of Arezzo, Siena, Perugia and some farmers in the Val di Chiana. The theme of the evening was the recent law Umbrian regional groups to support fair trade and small farmers, promotion of products with zero miles, the short chain and high quality. The umbra law recognizes, for the first time, buying collective solidarity and responsible consumption. According to the participants in this law is not perfect, but it is certainly to be taken as the basis for a bill to Tuscany. For those taking this work on a text of proposals to be discussed in a forthcoming enlarged meeting to be held in Arezzo, always under the initiatives of the movement MES For all information and contacts with the movement:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shop Equalizer T-shirtsstore Yahoo

fantastic break forced

  Racconto il mio brutto incidente

Il giorno 5 febbraio alle ore  05,50, svegliandomi accuso un lieve peso allo sterno e  senso di nausea, mi alzo recandomi in cucina  per bere un sorso di acqua.
Mi accorgo di avere la fronte sudata e un senso di malessere generale mi pervade, vado in bagno , mi guardo allo specchio e vedo solo nebbia ... Svengo.
Cadendo rovinosamente sbatto la fronte vicinissimo gli occhi , il naso appena operato nel giugno scorso e tutto il volto. (devo aver colpito prima il bordo del w.c. e  successivamente il pavimento).
Mia moglie sente il forte rumore si precipita in bagno dove mi trova privo di sensi , cereo in viso in una pozza di sangue.
Chiama rinforzi e 118 , nel frattempo rinvengo , sudore freddo e pallore cadaverico , da un taglio molto profondo alla fronte sgorga sangue , sto malissimo , tutto gira intorno a me , inizio a vomitare sangue , sento la morte vicina ( il quel momento di lucidità ho pensato ad una emorragia allo stomaco , che prima mi aveva provocato lo svenimento ed ora mi giustiziava con il dissanguamento.
I volontari del 118 mi portano a sirene spiegate al pronto soccorso ospedale Rivoli, where I immediately pay all the care necessary in saving my life. The TAC
excludes neurological and vascular examinations exclude other cardiac nature.

Head injury with facial fractures, multiple fractures to his nose and other less important to her cheeks. This explains the
vomited blood, was running down the nose and then went back into the esophagus.
Molinette is transported to the hospital in Turin for a consultation maxilar face.
They tell me that the slight facial fractures may heal without surgery, but the nose should be operated within 4 / 5 days after trauma.
I come back to the hospital and Rivoli admitted to the ENT department of laryngology. February 8th to be operated on the day Feb. 10 resignation.
I find myself with a seam on the front of 4 cm. The face was swollen, with a dominant tone black and red and yellow areas, nose fence with a bow and I only eat pap, as chewing is very painful.
publicly thank

Angels Volunteers 118, all medical and paramedical staff of the hospital emergency room of Rivoli.
the Department of Otolaryngology hospitals Rivoli, headed by Dr. William
Dagna . A modern art department, where professionalism and kindness reign supreme. I thank Dr. Lina Sweet Leaf, the good surgeon Dr. Giuseppe Nazionale, with a delicate nose gave me back my beautiful and functional as before.
Thanks anesthetist and operating room the entire team.

Thanks to the gentle Head Nurse Isabella Zennaro, a kiss to all the nurses for the pampering received a hug to the cleaning staff, kitchen and various, all beautiful people.

Un esempio lampante che esiste anche questa sanità, fatta di Persone serie che lavorano con alacrità e dedizione al servizio della Gente.  Ospedale di Rivoli (To), una realtà di buona sanità

Grazie ai miei 2 simpaticissimi compagni di stanza , Antonio, Professore di matematica in pensione e Severino, Artigiano del vetro,  determinanti per alleviare un brutto incidente di percorso.

Un grande abbraccio a tutti  Voi Amici blogger  per la quantità enorme di parole di affetto nei miei confronti. Grazie Stellina per il tam tam informativo.
Scusate il post scritto un po’ alla rinfusa, devo tenere gli occhiali sollevati dal naso con la mano sinistra e sto scrivendo solo con la destra, gli occhi sono gonfi. 

Mi prendo una pausa di almeno 2 settimane , sono preso da convalescenza , medicazioni e ulteriori visite specialistiche per capire lo svenimento., che per ora mi è stato diagnosticato come  “ Episodio sincopale di verosimile natura vaso-vagale “
A presto, spero di riprendere a fine mese, baci e abbracci a tutti.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Cheapest Wrestling Singlets

Sowing Seed geraniums collective

The event is to bring together a group of ten persons submitted to draw in a group planting. The ten lucky people will receive from me eight seeds of two varieties of geraniums. Those who want to participate write a blog post by adhesion and by mail send your address. For membership you have until the end of February. Just ask for clarification on the blog where you can read the article on planting.

The ten lucky participants at the event will receive the 4 +4 F1 seed of these two varieties of geraniums.

Geranium Raspberry Rippie Geranium Raspberry Rippe

Horizon Picotee salmon Horizon Picotee salmon

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cute Way Word Wedding Invites

In England it is recommended that the sowing of the end of January than mid-February, I have always sown in late March early aprile.In around the web there are several explanations on how to plant the geraniums, I bring here the my experience, I will explain step by step how I sow the geraniums. We start to buy quality seed F1 and prepare for planting containers are recommended for those of polystyrene keep the heat but I use small vessels to large plants about 9cm.


This is a pot of 9 cm that I use for planting, whether it is new I just rinse in plain water, if you have already used the work and disinfected in bleach and water in a ratio of 10 to 1. If you are not available for plant pots will do a simple yogurt container.


yogurt container on which you have practiced the holes with a hot nail. The holes are used for drainage water for irrigation.


fill the jar with the soil ready for planting, or a mixture made with 1 / 3 of garden soil, 1 / 3 of the universal soil and 1 / 3 of river sand or perlite. Personally, I also used to seed the soil ready for lawns, being very sandy lends sowing di varie piante.


Normalmente interriamo il seme ad una profondità pari al doppio della lunghezza di quest’ultimo, cioè se un seme è lungo 1 cm andrà interrato a 2cm di profondità. Io per seminare i miei gerani uso una matita su cui ho segnato 1cm servendomi di un semplice righello.


con questa pratico un piccolo foro profondo fino alla linea segnata sulla matita,


con una piccola pinzetta li prelevo e


delicatamente li metto nel foro praticato con la matita


close all through the earth gently with your index finger


water it and then using a simple spray. The jars should be placed in the shade and sown so watered daily.


When the plants will be 4:00 to 5:00 leaves will be poured into slightly larger pots, after the transfer you should always flock.

I hope I was clear in the exposition for any questions or suggestions write me here or via mail. I wish everyone a good seed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Shakespeare Travel Quote


The mayor ordered the League "Do not let it eat"

In kindergarten Fossalta di Piave in the Veneto region to help a small African origin, the teachers are deprived of one meal per week but the mayor says no.
read the entire article ...

But they realize what they do? Can you imagine the girl sitting at a table overlooking the his companions to eat ... But I'm crazy? If you can
Please forward this message, this shame should not happen in a country that is considered civil.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Virgia Apprisial District

Music and Intellectual Property

Secret Garden

A very interesting band, consisting of only two people, the Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry and Norwegian pianist, composer Rolf Lovland. The duo specializes in New Age music. In their wonderful songs they are always accompanied by big bands and singers.
I propose this beautiful "Nocturne" winner of the 'Eurovision Song Contest 1995. A piece of great intensity, capable of carrying in a fantastic dream, caressed by the magical sound of the violin Sherry.
If you love the genre, I recommend you listen to other songs of Secret Garden, all are beautiful.

What's so funny? Already ... I'm 60/70 years old and rusty rocckettaro sometimes I relax with this music. Can not happen?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poptropica Counterfeit Letters

Giornata per la difesa della proprietà Intellettuale

  Troppe volte succede... Con un semplice copia incolla si rubano idee  e  pensieri  dagli  altri  blog , se  proprio  vogliamo  farlo , chiediamo  l'autorizzazione al proprietario e comunque citiamo sempre la fonte. La proprietà Intellettuale va difesa con tutte le Nostre forze.