Monday, February 7, 2011

Cute Way Word Wedding Invites

In England it is recommended that the sowing of the end of January than mid-February, I have always sown in late March early aprile.In around the web there are several explanations on how to plant the geraniums, I bring here the my experience, I will explain step by step how I sow the geraniums. We start to buy quality seed F1 and prepare for planting containers are recommended for those of polystyrene keep the heat but I use small vessels to large plants about 9cm.


This is a pot of 9 cm that I use for planting, whether it is new I just rinse in plain water, if you have already used the work and disinfected in bleach and water in a ratio of 10 to 1. If you are not available for plant pots will do a simple yogurt container.


yogurt container on which you have practiced the holes with a hot nail. The holes are used for drainage water for irrigation.


fill the jar with the soil ready for planting, or a mixture made with 1 / 3 of garden soil, 1 / 3 of the universal soil and 1 / 3 of river sand or perlite. Personally, I also used to seed the soil ready for lawns, being very sandy lends sowing di varie piante.


Normalmente interriamo il seme ad una profondità pari al doppio della lunghezza di quest’ultimo, cioè se un seme è lungo 1 cm andrà interrato a 2cm di profondità. Io per seminare i miei gerani uso una matita su cui ho segnato 1cm servendomi di un semplice righello.


con questa pratico un piccolo foro profondo fino alla linea segnata sulla matita,


con una piccola pinzetta li prelevo e


delicatamente li metto nel foro praticato con la matita


close all through the earth gently with your index finger


water it and then using a simple spray. The jars should be placed in the shade and sown so watered daily.


When the plants will be 4:00 to 5:00 leaves will be poured into slightly larger pots, after the transfer you should always flock.

I hope I was clear in the exposition for any questions or suggestions write me here or via mail. I wish everyone a good seed.


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