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Below 10 degrees the growth of geraniums to slow starts, but is below Grades 2-3 who are beginning to suffer. In regions where temperatures fall beyond this threshold, or assessing the annual plants such as geraniums or in-patient in a greenhouse or in a shelter and light, where the temperature will remain around 5-6 degrees. The radiator is harmful, because they take moisture to the air and therefore the plants in the house can be repaired only in porches, stairs, cellars with windows. As failing to repair, you can move the pots into a wall facing south and cover with a special fabric (TNT), which leaves the plants and breathe in light. E 'recommended watering little and sporadically or geraniums, as they are in a state of semi-enforced rest and need only a bit' damp. Light is important in its absence or geraniums produce long branches and pale (spin) and in the spring should be pruned.
The scented geraniums are a bit 'more vigorous than the other at low temperatures and if hit by frost, they can often repulsed by the woody base. Therefore, if we do not know as an inpatient or cold is particularly strong, you can cover the base of the plant with a mulch of straw or rags.
Zonal Geranium in the cellar.
The zonal and ivy can spend the winter in difficult situations, such as garages and cellars almost dark. With the arrival of winter left to dry plants, flares, and wrap the roots in a newspaper or slightly moist sphagnum, storing it in a place not too dry, where the temperature does not go below 3-4 degrees, leaving them until February, without ever getting wet. Resume vegetative growth when they are repotted with good soil, trimmed, washed and returned to the sun. In a second step, after the first shot will take care of fertilized.
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