Sunday, February 28, 2010

Less Feeling On Left Leg

Solidarity Economy produces more value in Italy

collective Units Shop, here is the expenditure group that helps you spend less and ensure high-quality food '. Italy is exploding in the phenomenon of buying groups in 2009 increased by 30 per cent, aggregating blocks, rather than colleagues, relatives or friends. E ', according to a recent report on the dietary habits of Italians. In 2009, there were 600 purchasing groups in Italy inclusive (Gas) structured, compared with 460 the previous year. Buying forces in check by the manufacturer is even greater convenience compared to 30% guaranteed by the short supply chain and bring in quality and wholesome food pantry 'La Lombardia and' the region with the highest number of Gas, hundred and sixty. Here are spaced Tuscany (84), Piemonte (71), Veneto and Emilia-Romagna (51 for both).

In reality ', in addition to these groups that have a real organizational structure, there are tens of thousands of voluntary initiatives that' born 'and' die 'continually in the houses, jobs, sports centers and recreation on the basis of simple verbal agreements. This is a trend, especially in cities', is affecting the Italians. Consumers' consorziati'intendono way 'to ensure a sufficient volume of purchase to optimize transportation costs and access to more' profitable distribution channels. The modes' purchase in this case vary greatly, ranging from home delivery, all''adozione 'in a group of whole animals to the personal collection of product marketing in the shaft or in the gardens. There is also the phenomenon of pick your own (direct deposits in the company by the consumer), even if the activity is marginal. The agreements of the buying group with manufacturers are different and may provide for the weekly delivery of the product or the formulation of specific orders by phone or through the Internet but also by subscription, with the range of products at fixed maturities and prepayment.

In Tuscany, we then Free Tuscany, an association of social promotion, which is continuing with its own gas, a location where the buying group meet in a convivial (Bio Cafe which is located in the center of Lucignano Arezzo ). Free

Tuscany brings forward the concept of bio weekly shopping, while other companies are limited to the distribution of boxes of fruit and vegetables and other products at biweekly or monthly. The operation of the buying group and 'simple.

Usually the participants in the group receive an e-mail "program order" and participate in the common operation, with withdrawal in set places. The cumulative order is then transmitted to producers and, at the time of delivery (the products are usually delivered to a single point of contact who shall then forward them), is made payment.

"Making economic solidarity, siginifica create value for both businesses and agricultural producers, and consumers," - noted the President of Tuscany Free Fabrizio Pierini - "Moreover it 's also a chance to know the products from organic farming and biodynamic rediscovering flavors now flattened by industrial logic, which have little or nothing to do with the primary objective of our association: to spread a new way of life as we choose organic style. "

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hawins Rifle Scope Mount

weekend dedicated to the sport at the Bio Cafe Free

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What Happened To Fieldcrest Towels

Cacyreus marshalli

Cacyreus marshalli (Lycaenidae-Polyommatinae) moth from the south-east Africa

It 's a butterfly bronze, the male on the edge of the wings a pat white while the female is more varied. Its activity is diurnal. The egg white, round and flat are laid on buds, the sepals, stems and sometimes on the leaves of pelargonium particularly zonal and ivy. The larvae of the green caterpillars penetrate into the stalk of the plant starting from the leaves or vegetative apex, where they dig tunnels, until the keg is emptied maturity of the larva which then comes out a hole similar to the worm. The larvae feed on tender shoots, to form the chrysalis hanging from the leaves, the butterfly is born and the cycle begins again (The average duration of the complete cycle is 62 days at 20 ° C and 33 days at 30 ° C then 5 or 6 generations per year). The moth also tolerate low temperatures and winter at our latitude only slows down the activity. The plant begins to wither away, losing the flowers and the leaves turn yellow, the larva empty drums that blacken bringing the plant to death. Unfortunately, this moth is not yet well known and the attack is often confused with that of other parasitic pests or fungal pathogens (Il fusto annerito, può essere scambiato, per tracheomicosi) La cacyreus marshalli colpisce i pelargoni zonali e gli edera perché la larva ha bisogno di piante con fusto carnoso e succulento, per introdursi ed alimentarsi, più resistenti sono gli odorosi che hanno fusto legnoso.

Poiché questo lepidottero non ha nemici naturali fino a qualche anno fa le piante venivano distrutte anche perché questo parassita è vettore di diffusione di batteri e funghi come la Xanthomonas c . pelargonii. Oggi il controllo può essere eseguito con metodi biologici basati su insetticidi naturali come l'olio di neem, questi per essere efficace deve essere irrorato frequentemente e il Bacillus thuringiensis. Il controllo chimico and budget is the most decisive and is based on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides (imidacloprid) Provadia easy tablets (Thiamethoxam) Actar Axoris and tablets that act on the nervous system of insects, preventing their development and feeding, the systemic action acting on eggs, larvae and adults.

The following photos will help you learn the most dangerous enemy of pelargonium.





The eggs are laid on the bracts and sepals geranium.




The various stages of larva






The first two days of becoming a chrysalis into a butterfly


Here are the photos that show the damage on the plant.






Friday, February 5, 2010

Kendall Cross Wrestling Shoes

Rust (Puccinia Pelargonium zonalis)

Rust is a fungal disease of zonal geranium leaves, caused by the fungus Puccinia Pelargonium-zonalis, does not attack other species, even the Parisians.
born in southern Africa but has spread throughout most of the world, arrived in Italy in 1966. The infection affects 99% of the leaves, petioles rarely, never the roots and stem.
Rust requires moist conditions to germinate and infect, the disease is often most severe during the colder months but can be very damaging during wet summers. The spores of the fungus are spread by wind, splashing water on the leaves and through the cuts. Unfortunately, the disease may have a long latency period, the fungus can be present in the leaves for about two weeks before the onset of symptoms and can infect others during this time zonal pelargonium. On the upper surface of the leaf form of chlorotic spots 5-8 mm in size, corresponding to them appear small pustules on the underside that release a bright orange powder, often rust spores gather in concentric rings. In severe attacks, the spores can also appear on the upper surface of the leaves that turn yellow and fall, weakening the plant.
Infection contrasts cutting and removing the affected leaves, avoiding wetting the evening to not allow the leaves to remain wet for a long time and facilitate the spread of spores and spraying Bordeaux mixture-based products (symptoms) Bitertonol ( Baycor) penconazole (Topas systemic product).

pustules on the underside

304-206-Ferrugem gerânio


Fungus-Puccinia pelargonii-zonalis02-05-07

Fungus-Puccinia pelargonii-zonalis-cu-02-05-07



Macchie clorotiche sulla pagina superiore



Negli attacchi gravi le spore possono comparire anche sulla pagina su-

periore della foglia.

Macchie clorotiche (YL) piccole pustole (SL)


Monday, February 1, 2010

Jan 2010 Jenesis Coupe

Lucignano Tuscany: more initiatives to promote "organic style"

Continue the promotion of organic and biodynamic by the group Free Tuscany, with another initiative interesting related to bio tarot oranges. Friday 5, Saturday 6 and Sunday, Feb. 7 match and you can taste the sweet and sour Sicilian tarot of organic oranges with other organic products in the provinces of Siena, Arezzo and Grosseto. All participants will be offered a cup of delicious coffee organic organic grain. " As well as the trio will then be brought on flat bread made with biodynamic and organic flours, natural leavening km zero .... everything is made possible by the open and inclusive vision that Tuscany has Free economic solidarity. The President Fabrizio Pierini said: "with the project Bio Cafe are taking up new avenues of approach between solidarity producers and consumers organized a group purchase, so not just a food choice, but a lifestyle that we have called "organic style".