Cacyreus marshalli (Lycaenidae-Polyommatinae) moth from the south-east Africa
It 's a butterfly bronze, the male on the edge of the wings a pat white while the female is more varied. Its activity is diurnal. The egg white, round and flat are laid on buds, the sepals, stems and sometimes on the leaves of pelargonium particularly zonal and ivy. The larvae of the green caterpillars penetrate into the stalk of the plant starting from the leaves or vegetative apex, where they dig tunnels, until the keg is emptied maturity of the larva which then comes out a hole similar to the worm. The larvae feed on tender shoots, to form the chrysalis hanging from the leaves, the butterfly is born and the cycle begins again (The average duration of the complete cycle is 62 days at 20 ° C and 33 days at 30 ° C then 5 or 6 generations per year). The moth also tolerate low temperatures and winter at our latitude only slows down the activity. The plant begins to wither away, losing the flowers and the leaves turn yellow, the larva empty drums that blacken bringing the plant to death. Unfortunately, this moth is not yet well known and the attack is often confused with that of other parasitic pests or fungal pathogens (Il fusto annerito, può essere scambiato, per tracheomicosi) La cacyreus marshalli colpisce i pelargoni zonali e gli edera perché la larva ha bisogno di piante con fusto carnoso e succulento, per introdursi ed alimentarsi, più resistenti sono gli odorosi che hanno fusto legnoso.
Poiché questo lepidottero non ha nemici naturali fino a qualche anno fa le piante venivano distrutte anche perché questo parassita è vettore di diffusione di batteri e funghi come la Xanthomonas c . pelargonii. Oggi il controllo può essere eseguito con metodi biologici basati su insetticidi naturali come l'olio di neem, questi per essere efficace deve essere irrorato frequentemente e il Bacillus thuringiensis. Il controllo chimico and budget is the most decisive and is based on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides (imidacloprid) Provadia easy tablets (Thiamethoxam) Actar Axoris and tablets that act on the nervous system of insects, preventing their development and feeding, the systemic action acting on eggs, larvae and adults.
The following photos will help you learn the most dangerous enemy of pelargonium.
The eggs are laid on the bracts and sepals geranium.
The various stages of larva
The first two days of becoming a chrysalis into a butterfly
Here are the photos that show the damage on the plant.
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