do not like to publish news stories in the blog, but this tragic event I was particularly impressed. Call into question the freedom of women and their rights trampled upon, in a society that defends them at all! Read below 's article Michele Brambilla "La Stampa" and is to be indignant shudder, it seems incredible events can happen like that!
Someone has put a hand on your heart for this senseless crime announced. Sometimes I wonder ... But the rule there? 
History Anna Rose, who was killed twice in five years
Yesterday the funeral of the woman who survived 15 stab wounds in 2005. A former partner at home after only two years, left free to kill.
Michele Brambilla sent to Matera
Yesterday in the small, packed church of San Rocco Matera announced that a funeral was held five years ago. Anna Rosa Fontana, 38, died Tuesday night, struck by his former partner Paul Chieco, 53, with six stab wounds. But he had begun to die July 13, 2005, when the same Chieco, in the same spot - the entrance to her house - Had tried to kill her with fifteen stab wounds, failing only because the rescue had been in hospital a rapid pace. Between fifteen and six stab wounds at the time of Tuesday have passed five years of benevolent justice for the perpetrator and the victim of unspeakable nightmare. Five years of harassment, threats, vain complaints.
Much - perhaps too much - we journalists often use the term "chronicle of a death foretold," but if there is a time when these words are neither rhetorical nor exaggerated this is it. What happened in these days at Matera, even in these five years, is unbelievable, as is unbelievable that the story is slipping away, almost completely ignored by a media system so hungry storiacce of blood and, in words, so attentive to women's rights.
Maybe because it happened in Matera, and not in a big city? Who knows. Yet, even if it was not deemed worthy of a couple of columns in the newspapers, this is a story that unfortunately is not only about the poor woman who yesterday was accompanied to the cemetery from a city in disbelief. How many are there in Anna Rosa Fontana Italy? How many women live in fear of appearing to see the man who has not resigned abandonment? The man who in such perverse means a promise of "forever"? Man that yields "the temptation is so widespread - Don Angelo said yesterday at the funeral service - to solve a problem with violence?".
Anna Rosa Fontana had not had a lucky life. The first marriage had ended in separation. The remaining two were boys, now have 17 and 12 years. Then he met Paul Chieco, a laborer, a former butcher. They had a daughter, now six years and probably still does not know how bad it was her destiny.
Anna Rose and Paul had left. Or rather, she ended the relationship, and he had not resigned. On July 13, 2005, in Lucan 333, he had expected and hit with fifteen stab wounds to the neck, chest, belly. He had struck the presence of her youngest son, who was then seven years. She was a trail of blood from the gate to the entrance of the apartment of Anna Rose, on the first floor. He had called 113: "I killed my partner, I'll wait." But Anna Rosa was saved and since it was reduced would say 'a miracle': and if indeed it was an intervention of divine goodness, was destined to be defeated five years later by human evil.
On July 15, 2005, questioned by the judge, Paul Chieco ago to record his conception of love indissolubility: "In that moment I went again in the car because I had come a fury of blood, I saw a knife that he found it when I dislodged the house, I saw, I took it, I went a ' other times, and I gave her with the knife, but the door was open, I have not forced any door. I started to write the first shot in the stomach, side, side by side here, but she always shouted "I love you, love you, I do not hit" ... I said: "I do not believe, how did the other times you've said all lies and you're now resorted to the police station ... "She said," No, this time ... "But I did not want to kill." The judge asked him if he remembers how many shots he gave and he replies: "I do not remember, at that moment I did not think of anything more ... the child just cried, saying," Do not do it, do not do ", but the baby after I have not seen any more. " The judge asked if he realizes that with the knife - 33 inches of the blade - the could kill. Chieco replied: "At that moment, now I realize the mistake I did." The judge asked him if he did not think their child. He: "Yes, I realize. I had told her: "You see I want to see the child because the child came in to me ...". " A quel punto la deposizione si interrompe, il verbalizzante annota che l’indagato sta piangendo.
Il 7 novembre 2006 il giudice determina la pena in 12 anni e 6 mesi, ma per effetto del rito abbreviato c’è subito una riduzione: 8 anni e 4 mesi. In carcere però Chieco resta poco. Gli vengono presto concessi gli arresti domiciliari. Sapete che cosa vuol dire? Che un condannato sta a casa sua invece che in galera. E sapete dov’è la casa di Chieco? A trecento metri da quella di Anna Rosa Fontana. La giustizia italiana ha deciso che poteva stare lì. Dal 2007 solo trecento metri separano accoltellatore da accoltellata. Comincia, per Anna Rosa, un tormento che la uccide lentamente, giorno dopo giorno, ora dopo ora.
28th, 2008, is the appeal process. The accused is granted mitigating those who are called "generic" and the sentence is reduced to six years. However, too many to justice so prompt in guaranteed not to disappoint. Also the effect of the pardon in 2006, finally free Chieco back in 2009. A total of fifteen stab wounds in the company of his mother in a child's ribs are a couple of years in a cell, and plenty of house arrest.
Free, finally free. Also free to go and ring the bell at the door of Anna Rosa, and not just watch her with binoculars as he did when he suffered the terrible punishment house arrest. She had noticed, of being spied on. He alerted the police, who had gone home and had seized Chieco binoculars. On this type of intrusive 'observation' have built in horror films. Here, Anna Rosa Fontana played a horror film for at least three years, ever since his former partner was released from prison.
you accumulate complaints complaints on the end is almost afraid of being mistaken for mad. On September 21, goes by the court and pleads: harassing me every day, not take it anymore. On October 1 ˚ he pretends to invite her to dinner Montescaglioso. The port in a remote desert road, holding a rope around the neck and the port on the edge of a cliff. 1, 18 - Oct. 2 is now at night - Anna Rosa tries to send a text message to her mother. Can not even finish it, "Mom is killing me, now takes me to." 1, 40 can send a text message to his son Antonio "rope around his neck is killing me led me in the basement for fear of force that I call the police But I was in the gully as I do."
On October 7, Anna Rosa is transcribed by the police so that his complaint: "By threatening air and rain, I called on it to give him the phone, then took my purse and threw it away from me. Then he opened the trunk of the scooter and I took a pair of gloves blacks, or at least dark, ed una corda bianca. Mentre si infilava i guanti mi diceva: “Comincia a pregare perché per te oggi è finita”. Io ero tremendamente impaurita e lo scongiuravo di non farmi del male perché vedevo il suo sguardo perso nel nulla. Era lo stesso che aveva quando nel 2005 mi aveva inferto ben 15 coltellate dopo avermi appostato nel portone di casa di mia madre». Anna Rosa riferisce ai carabinieri che Paolo le diceva: «Niente a me e niente a nessuno. Ti farò morire lentamente. Questa sera per te è finita. Allora, sei pronta vuoi dire le ultime preghiere? Stai diventando nera, stai morendo».
Così si conclude la denuncia della donna di quel 7 ottobre scorso: «La sottoscritta Anna Rosa Fontana è forced to protect her safety and asks that you want to establish the responsibility of Mr. Paul Chieco, discernible in the facts narrated to them as perpetrators of the attempted murder, kidnapping and the numbers entered in my house that highlight the crime of stalking. " States that after that 1 ˚ October was also threatened the 4th, 5th and 6th October: pure public, with screams in the middle of the road.
The police send the complaint to the courts but the court, of all the crimes mentioned, focuses on the lighter: stalking. Mild, to say the least, is the punishment: November 3 Paul Chieco is ordered not to approach the house di Anna Rosa Fontana. Lunedì 6 dicembre lei telefona alla mamma: «Ho paura. Mi chiudo nel portone per nascondermi». Il giorno dopo Paolo Chieco uccide Anna Rosa Fontana proprio su quel portone, esattamente dove aveva cercato di ammazzarla cinque anni fa. Anche questa volta la donna è con uno dei suoi figli: è il più grande, quello di 17 anni. Le prime due coltellate Chieco le vibra sul collo, dicono che l’ha quasi decapitata. Le altre quattro alla schiena e sul fianco.
Ora Paolo Chieco è in carcere: il pm e il giudice sono due donne, le stesse che gli avevano ordinato di stare alla larga da Anna Rosa Fontana .
The Print Source
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