SPQR-Only Small Paintings for Gift
11 to December 23, 2010
opening Saturday, December 11 at 18:00
What the Art Gallery Collection Saman "Via Giulia offers a cultural initiative over the Christmas period is very unusual . 25 contemporary artists, offer hundreds of small works at a price "calmed" (about 200 works to 99 €) and enable its customers to be able to make a reg ... alo important and classy alternative to ephemeral or gadgets clothing.
The opening night, and during the course of the exhibition, you can talk with the artists and this will make it even more rewarding work buy directly from the hands of the master.
A picture is forever and is a quality gift that is chosen properly.
The artists: Barbara
Berardicurti, Erica Brancasi, Patrick de Magistris, Kristina Milakovic, Micaela Walter Necci
Barbarossa, Ivana Barscigliè, Hercules Bolognesi, Alcaeus Calisi, Emanuela De Gregorio Federica Felici, Inna Maletska, Claudio Meli, Enrico Nigrelli Stefania Panelli, Sabrina Pentacchini, Ilaria Pergolesi, Giorgio Piccinini, Gianluigi Poli, Roberta Recanatesi, Mark Recchi, Walter Redivo, Riommi Antonello, Paola Salvini, Michelle Smith, Paul Van Den Nieuwenhof, Pierre Zaccaro
Barbara Berardicurti 3284153400 b.berardicurti @ tiscali.it
Erica Brancasi 3351078184 erica-brancasi@alice.it
Patrizio de Magistris 392 0525969 info@patriziodemagistris.it
Kristina Milaković 3470088425 kristinamilakovic @ hotmail. com
Walter Necci 3922327366 walternecci@live.it
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