Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Le fisiopatie sono le malattie di origine ambientale.


Fra i gerani l’edema è quella più widespread. This physiological condition is a translucent appearance of small pustules, which can heal and become brown in color, are located on the underside of the leaf, especially in areas around the ribs and also on petioles and branches. May form blisters that appear very similar as large lesions, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off the plant. The cause is too abundant in watering, soil that does not dry sufficiently, excessive nitrogen fertilization, high humidity and poor light, is born, especially during the winter dormancy, and then continues during the summer. Even if the swelling does not danneggia gravemente la salute delle piante queste assumono un aspetto sgradevole. La soluzione è quella di bagnare più frequentemente ma con quantità inferiore, sospendere le fertilizzazioni azotate per un mese per poi riprenderle gradualmente, porre i gerani in vaso con un drenaggio di palline di argilla alto 5cm. I danni causati da questa fisiopatia  possono essere confusi con quelli causati dai tripidi.


Informazioni supplementari

Macchie senza pustole trasparenti, color ruggine come scabbia, è una fisiopatia conosciuta
come ‘’Il sughero’’. La causa è la stessa, troppa acqua. E’ comune nelle piante più old who are left without protection in the winter, cold and rain. The recommended solution is the same for edema.






6twospotmitedamage3 Edema_430x290


Sunday, December 6, 2009

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Bio Cafe Free Lucignano Tuscany (Ar)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

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The Xanthomonas campestris pv. Pelargonium

This disease develops in hot, humid and spreads via infected material and water splashes. We observe on the leaves yellowing and browning of triangular shape, with the tip of the triangle facing the inside of the leaf, starting from the edge. These yellowing and browning can be confused with Botrytis Xantomas. Another symptom can be folded down like an umbrella, preferably the latter is observed on older leaves and may be confused with lack of water and a temporary wilting. Yet other symptoms may be small round spots of dark brown because of bacteria transported from leaf to leaf by splashing water or rain. The shaft is in the area close to the neck area dark brown. The Xanthomonas campestris pv. can infect Pelargonium zonal geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum), Imperial geraniums (Pelargonium domesticum), geranium (Geranium sanguineum) ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum). The latter is very susceptible to bacterial disease and develop symptoms similar to a nutritional deficiency or an attack of mites. In the later stages of the disease has the death of the plant. You should remove the infected plants and administer products based on copper at 2-3% a week, avoid sprinkler irrigation.

Below place the photos so they can better recognize the disease.



on older leaves.

as I wrote in the article is easy to confuse with Botrytis Xanthomonas



ivy geranium (Pelargonium peltatum).
The latter is very susceptible to bacterial disease and develop symptoms similar to a nutritional deficiency or an attack of mites.

Still other symptoms may be small round spots of dark brown because of bacteria transported from leaf to leaf by splashing water or rain.

Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.

Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.

Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv.

Xanthomonas pv. pelargonii (formerly X. campestris pv. Pelargonii)

Xanthomonas hortorum pv.
pelargonii chlorosilanes and necrosis
's a geranium di foglia
ivy infected by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. Pelargonium.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

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Association promotes organic food: Organic Cafe comes

It is located in the center of Lucignano (AR) on innovative local that the Association of Free Tuscany social promotion has created, with the aim of promoting the products in different ways and culture of quality food. But in practice ... what will it be? Operate as a bar and pub after accepting the membership card for free, you can eat and drink, taste the products from the cafeteria to get to the organic appetizer, organic wines, cheeses and cold meats, desserts and more. Then you can buy the products on display a week or participate in joint procurement. In this way, the saving is guaranteed, making the cost-sharing in a truly different. All this is placed at a point that internet and social networks will be technically in the functioning Bio Cafe and will connect with PC via wireless technology. The project also provides for management of local non-profit owned by Free Tuscany, with the balance of the expenditure with the revenue of the association activities. We ask the President Fabrizio Pierini, as it has gone from concept to creation: "We started right away by opening a work table, the principles described in the paper of intent of the District of Solidarity Economy and personally I developed a project path developing and defining the technical activities, coordinating the working group. The fundamental point of the idea was "the person" as a strength of wellness and a new way of life as we choose "Organic Style". Those who choose Bio Café himself becomes the protagonist and the community shares in their own way of being. The person with the dignity and His thought is for us the most important asset. Our commitment must be to promote and offer the room, including through the joint procurement for the past two years we do with our partners in Siena and Poggibonsi Bettolle, quality products that contribute to healthy, recognized for excellent taste and of superior quality, made in accordance with the rules and certificates. Finally, propose a different place of relaxation, to spend pleasant moments. "Let's wait and then on December 5, opening day. The website:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Hi, I'm working to 'graphic interface of the site so there is still a bit of disarray. I restored the comments first option gave problems, so now you can comment on my post. For any information, if you need advice, you can write, I let the opportunity to comment even to non-members to BlogSpot.
nice day

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How To Make Core Wheels For A Finger Board

An innovative local, arrives in December

Can you think of a supportive and innovative local spend, without stress, i vari momenti della giornata ? La risposta è data da Free Tuscany ( ), l’associazione di promozione sociale molto attiva nel DES per promuovere tutto quello che ruota attorno all’economia solidale. Nel centro storico di Lucignano in Valdichiana (Ar) ed esattamente il 5 dicembre prossimo, nascerà un locale che sarà gestito da Free Tuscany , aperto dalla mattina fino alle ore “piccole”. Il Presidente Fabrizio Pierini ha dichiarato: “ con questo progetto intendiamo promuovere una idea nuova di convivialità”. La curiosità per questa iniziativa sicuramente non mancherà, infatti da oggi parte una campagna di promozione che svelerà di cosa si tratta. Seguite events .............

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Below 10 degrees the growth of geraniums to slow starts, but is below Grades 2-3 who are beginning to suffer. In regions where temperatures fall beyond this threshold, or assessing the annual plants such as geraniums or in-patient in a greenhouse or in a shelter and light, where the temperature will remain around 5-6 degrees. The radiator is harmful, because they take moisture to the air and therefore the plants in the house can be repaired only in porches, stairs, cellars with windows. As failing to repair, you can move the pots into a wall facing south and cover with a special fabric (TNT), which leaves the plants and breathe in light. E 'recommended watering little and sporadically or geraniums, as they are in a state of semi-enforced rest and need only a bit' damp. Light is important in its absence or geraniums produce long branches and pale (spin) and in the spring should be pruned.
The scented geraniums are a bit 'more vigorous than the other at low temperatures and if hit by frost, they can often repulsed by the woody base. Therefore, if we do not know as an inpatient or cold is particularly strong, you can cover the base of the plant with a mulch of straw or rags.


Zonal Geranium in the cellar.
The zonal and ivy can spend the winter in difficult situations, such as garages and cellars almost dark. With the arrival of winter left to dry plants, flares, and wrap the roots in a newspaper or slightly moist sphagnum, storing it in a place not too dry, where the temperature does not go below 3-4 degrees, leaving them until February, without ever getting wet. Resume vegetative growth when they are repotted with good soil, trimmed, washed and returned to the sun. In a second step, after the first shot will take care of fertilized.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Gym

collar rot (Pythium spp.)

A case of fungal diseases is surely too much moisture with the lack of ventilation. Fungi reproduce by means of spores that spread very easily. The first thing we do is remove the causes of too much moisture, keep the plants thoroughly cleaned, removing dead leaves and flowers.
This disease attacks almost exclusively on very young plants or cuttings, is due to the fungus Pythium, the cause is the excess of water, the temperature of the soil which is too low, excessive moisture or water-logging. The symptoms of the disease is manifested by una fascia nera alla base del gambo, con necrosi e marciumi molli di colore nero brillante sul colletto della pianta, mentre le radici marciscono e tendono a sfilarsi.
Occorre fare prevenzione utilizzando substrati ben drenanti e controllare le irrigazioni ed intervenire con Propamocarb.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Purple Metal Core Wheels


Si ottiene fissando al terreno, con un ferro piegato ad U, un ramo di geranio privato di alcune foglie(figura 1 e 2), lasciandolo attaccato alla pianta e coprendolo leggermente di fine terriccio
laddove tocca il suolo. Dopo circa un mese dai nodi interfogliari interrati spuntano le prime
radici (figura 3) and you can cut the branch from the mother plant (figure 4) and saturated soil in a partly mixed with sand. This method, of course, applicable only to plants planted in the ground or with long flexible branches like the Ivy, has the advantage of rooting branches larger than normal cuttings.

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Talea of \u200b\u200bPelargonium (English method)

use of vitamin C

In our experience we have achieved major successes by submersion of cuttings in solution of vitamin C. At the pharmacy you can buy vitamin C powder. To obtain a strong solution mix half teaspoon of powder with the amount of water that may be contained in two egg. Once mixed pour it all in a brown bottle. Use of objects plastic only to mix: the label of an old plant will serve the purpose. If it is not possible to obtain the powder of vitamin C by dissolving an effervescent tablet in a bit 'of water will be more than good. One warning about the dust of vitamin C: it is also used to "cut" cocaine, so do not be surprised if you attract attention suspicious of pharmacists! honestly say that you need to soak your geraniums. Finally not cover with bags of plastic the your cuttings. Make sure the roots are moist, even if the plant needs of fresh air and dry full of light. Good luck. But we warn you: do cuttings gives addiction!

1) now is the time to cut your geranium. This will stop the growth of the plant height and encourage the development from the bottom makes it look more bushy.

2) taking a shear cut above the node (point of joining of leaf buds). This will allow the plant to heal quickly.

3) to refine the cut exactly to the severed part of below the first node. Remove the lower leaves, buds and clear from all the stipules (which are the fragments from impaired growth).

4) Ready to plant! Dip the cuttings in solution of vitamin C, and then plant them in generic soil moist. Place in hot and sunny position. (For our climate is the recommended position in the shade.)


Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Talea of \u200b\u200bPelargonium

Today I explain step by step how to make cuttings of geranium or Pelargonium, the best time is spring or autumn.

We clean the work surface, blood vessels and muniamoci a sterile knife.

one parent plant with a clean cut, take the apex of a branch about 10-15 cm long, cut flowers, buds and leaves, so even the bottom

It should leave only 2:00 to 3:00 at the top.

Bury the cuttings for 4-5 cm so that one of the two nodes interfogliari remain in the ground, press the soil lightly and water thoroughly, then wet occasionally until rooting has taken place, the jars must be small, even those of yogurt are fine, just make holes and should be kept under shade. Usually does not take long a radicare, l'ormone radicante è consigliato per i pelargoni nani o in miniatura, gli altri radicano facilmente.
