Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can Eating Bread Give You Cancer

Sustainable consumption: in Tuscany incorporated concepts being pursued by our District

The confirmation comes from Clara Gonnelli, a member of our District Coordination Group in relation to what is reported in the press:

protect consumers, certainly, but also educate them to consume more intelligently and respectful environment, these are the objectives which has the Document 2009 for the implementation of policies to safeguard and protect consumers, recently approved by the Regional Council of Tuscany, which allocates resources to the promotion of more sustainable consumption. Protecting consumers means to defend them from fraud and abuse, but also help citizens and businesses to understand that with small concrete actions you can reach important goals. Contribute to the construction of lifestyles on a budget of natural resources. of work. Among the actions envisaged in the document for implementation are:

agreements to reduce packaging through dissemination of products on tap, starting with an experimental reusable diapers, drinking water, detergents

increase in the market for products with km zero with the proliferation of so-called farmer's market and the promotion of raw milk on tap;

promotion of scientific research related assessment of the economic, environmental and social aspects of sustainable production and consumption;

creation of awareness and information campaigns on energy saving and water, to avoid waste and misuse;

promoting the products of short chain;

promotion of recycling and composting;

promotion of renewable energy sources;

education for sustainable consumption in collaboration with the schools.

In the new document for implementation in 2009 and the recent regional planning of interventions to protect the consumer did la loro comparsa i Gas, i gruppi di acquisto solidale, la cui formazione ed opera la Regione auspica e promuove. La realtà dei Gas in Toscana è molto ricca e varia. Visto che si tratta di gruppi di cittadini auto-organizzati, spesso non di vere e proprie realtà associative, il loro censimento è difficile così come la gestione dei loro rapporti con le istituzioni. Ma la filosofia di fondo che anima i Gas coincide con l'etica del consumo sostenibile e della responsabilità del cittadino che la Regione sta promuovendo e dunque l'assessorato alla tutela dei consumatori 'incoraggia' queste esperienze, mettendo le conoscenze e le competenze del personale degli uffici del Settore a disposizione dei cittadini che vorranno avere informazioni e suggerimenti how to join a gas or start one.
Our District is already opening round tables in this sense, as provided for in the Charter of intent, and will become available for possible synergies.

Friday, April 10, 2009

How Muchdo Opti Sailboats Cost

The City of Abbadia County of San Salvador joined the solidarity economy

The commissioner Nicholas Bertocci member of the Select Committee of the District, in support of the short chain.

The town of Abbadia San Salvatore joined in recent days to Des Siena, District of solidarity economy that has recently been established at the provincial level. The District's objective is to help producers and consumers to address the heavy economic crisis through coordinated and promoted by the Coordination System Des Siena and the Select Committee, which sees among members Nicholas Bertocci, trade commissioner of the City badengo. The representative of the Select Committee is Fabrizio Pierini, president of the Group and of the Free Offer Tuscany and Siena DES initial promoter of the project.

"The District of solidarity economy - said Nicholas Bertocci - is not a structure, but is proposed as a real economic system, with rules defined in the various working groups. Our City Council has joined because it shares the goals, they use the systems and adopt the principles. The Select Committee to which I belong Aiab work with Tuscany, with farmers, livestock and associated cereal, with ACU, the Consumer Association of users with Slow Food Siena, with local associations and the cooperative and with gas, buying groups in solidarity, in the Province Siena. The first objective of Des will be to encourage the short chain from producer to consumer sales of local products through purchases in aggregate form, shops indoor market square, shops and farmer in Pdo systems, Small scale distribution " .

"By joining the City of Siena Abbadia to Des - adds Bertocci - we wanted to offer a point of reference, to those interested for the promotion and implementation of actions in this matter. In particular, we are working on the possibility to develop and open the daily market for this type of activity, with the presence of producers and sellers of odd. Another project that we intend to develop is one that involves the creation of areas on public land in the promotion of culture of the garden, under the supervision of people who take care of types of plants that are disappearing, in an operation similar to the one Michelle Obama is carrying out in the garden of the White House. "

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Does Intra Abdominal Pressure Cause Hiatal Hernia

Siena soon united in a short chain store

Local products of high quality guaranteed at a fair price. That's the goal that you are given the participants held yesterday in Siena, Viale Europa, at the headquarters of Tuscany Cereals (Association of cereal Toscani). The work table sponsored by our District, aims to develop and implement a shared project for the opening of a retail joint in town. Less packaging, education and food security, rediscover the flavors and seasonal local produce, these are some of the main topics discussed and to be well integrated into the project.