Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ho Long Can You Live With Hepatitis C

Holocaust memories

The horror must not be forgotten

The video is very hard, please look around and do for your children, turn up the volume. It will be difficult to hold back the tears, but tears will help us remember better.

Guardate anche questa scena  , tratta dalla fiction TV. " Mi ricordo di Anna Franck "... Un ufficiale tedesco utilizzava  un deportato  professore ebreo  per farsi aiutare nel preparare un esame. 
L'ufficiale aveva appena  ucciso tutti i bambini  allievi del professor  nelle camere a gas. 
Un dialogo tra i due di grande intensità emozionale...da non perdere.

Remember it never happens again. This sense of "Day of Remembrance," an event that is celebrated simultaneously throughout much of the western world to commemorate the victims of Nazi concentration camps. The January 27 date is highly symbolic: in 1945, in fact, the vanguard of Soviet troops reached the concentration camp at Auschwitz (now Oswiecim, Poland). For the first time, the horror of the 'Final Solution' devised by Hitler and his hierarchy to get rid, once and for all, "the Jewish question," appeared in its banal, shocking reality. Were killed at Auschwitz, killed in gas chambers or from starvation, four million men, women and children. Almost all Jews. But they were also exterminated Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political opponents and other "enemies" of the Thousand Year Reich. Overall, the victims of the Shoah, or Holocaust, were about six million.



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