Sulphur (S)
is essential for the production of chlorophyll, the lack of this young leaves appear to be a yellow-green, rarely affected the lower leaves and old. When the deficit advances chlorosis spreads evenly to the rest of the leaves.
Magnesium (Mg)
is essential for seed germination. In magnesium deficiency symptoms appear in the lower and older leaves taking on a greenish-yellow to yellow-green and chlorosis that progresses along the leaf margins between the veins of the leaves. Subsequently, the affected tissues become necrotic and the leaves curl downward. The flowers are small and not very colorful. With foliar fertilizer applications are recommended preparations with high absorption power.
Calcium (Ca)
is necessary for resistance to cold. Unlike other macronutrients, the absence of calcium usually affects the roots. The first symptoms (necrosis) appear on the tips of the latter, the shortage also causes stunted growth of new stems, flowers and roots, the leaves may have black spots, distorted growth and yellowing along the edges. When the deficiency is severe there is the death of all primary and secondary root.
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