Monday, January 17, 2011

Where To Go To College For Cars

shoes Runner

Le calzature per un podista rivestono un ruolo importantissimo.

Le scarpe , oltre che comodissime e confortevoli , devono essere in grado di assorbire tutti gli shock a cui  tendini , legamenti e articolazioni sono sottoposti durante la corsa. Un'altra  peculiare caratteristica della calzatura da running è quella di compensare  eventuali  tipi di appoggio viziati del piede. Iperpronazione  (Foot supports excessively inward). Supination (foot supports to the outside too. In their choice of footwear is necessary to consider the runner's body weight and how many miles. And if runs on average are used in competition or training. As you can see the variations are many Only a very experienced seller is able to move towards the most appropriate footwear.
A technician behind the counter of the store is definitely a winning strategy, the longevity of the joints of the runner is the runner that brings advantages to the seller. Consider that running shoes are replaced an average of between 600 and 1000 km. maximum. Personally, I think I've used a lot, despite 12 years of inactivity. The model chosen by myself is "Asics Cumulus 12" bought in the shop "RUN" maintained by Roberto di Rivoli, one of six stores in the area ... True professionals. I am attaching the link, here you will always find an experienced friend to guide you in the right choice.

proviamo  per una dozzina di km.     Ciao a tutti.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capire l'appoggio del piede

Pronare è il modo in cui il piede si piega verso l'interno quando durante la corsa rulla a contatto del terreno. E’ un movimento naturale che aiuta a ridurre la tensione articolare. Alcune persone hanno una pronazione più accentuata di altre. Non è un difetto, ma influisce sul modo in cui si corre e può aumentare la probabilità di lesioni e la naturale pronazione diviene un fattore important in the choice of shoe.

The Pronation is the rolling motion of the foot inwards, after the first phase of ground contact. This moment is called the initial contact, and is part of the stance phase of gait cycle.
When running pronation helps amortize the initial contact without it, the shock of 'impact with the ground is completely transmitted to the legs, making the normal mechanics of the lower limbs less effective. addition to depreciate, the pronated foot also helps to identify on what tipo di terreno ci si muove,  stabilizzando e regolando il piede al tipo di terreno.
Le calzature da running  oggi sono progettate specificamente per diversi livelli di pronazione.
Al momento dell’ acquisto delle vostre  scarpe da corsa,  il grado di pronazione è un fattore che non va trascurato. 
Il modo migliore per scoprire se un atleta  prona è quello di consultare un esperto che effettuerà un analisi del cammino per poi consigliare il modello più adatto.
Può essere utile far  vedere il  vecchio paio di scarpe,  il loro stato wear gives an 'indication of how much and how prone. The analysis of elements other than the pronation, as the weight of the runner, play a role in selecting the best shoe.
If the soles wear designing an inverted S from heel toe until it is very likely to have a neutral support.
When you have a neutral support you can use a wide range of shoes, but those most suitable for the race are those that have neutral cushioning and support.

impression of a neutral runner
The supination, occurs when the foot is prone. The outer edge / side of the heel touches the ground with a greater angle, and does not happen either little or no pronation, resulting in transmission of traumatic shock to the lower leg. This side-loading of the foot continues throughout the contact phase of rolling during the race affecting the efficiency of the gesture (step).

Supination supinator
I may have excessive wear in the area outside of the heel of their shoes, and the top of the upper may be slightly bent outward.
Since the supinator tend to be more sensitive to the shock of running, such as stress fractures, they should choose a neutral shoe with great cushioning. Most help cushion the joints to bear the repetition of steps d 'foot impact with the ground.

pronation is when the foot rotates too inside, or wheel at a time when they should not be like in the late stance phase during running. pronate moves the load on the medial or inner side of the foot, and as soon as the rider moves forward the weight is supported by the inner edge rather than the sole of the foot. This destabilizes the foot, which will attempt to regain stability by compensating for the inward movement, a sort of chain reaction, which in turn affects the efficiency biomechanics of the leg, particularly the knee and hip.

Shoes of a pronator show a pronounced wear on the inside of the heel and the soles of the feet, particularly in 'area of' big toe.
pronators I should consider the use of shoes with maximum support or cushioned shoes and structured.
cushioned shoes and structures provide a degree of stability and cushioning, while the shoes with the most support are the most stable shoes that you can find. The running shoes of both categories, the feet of runners to help distribute the impact of the race more effectively.

Acknowledgments: This article was written under the guidance of Brice Newton, Footwear Product Manager at ASICS Europe, and Simon Bartold, ASICS International Research Coordinator.


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